
Friday, August 19, 2011

Would the world be better without religion?

Religion first started to explain things that didn't make sense. Imagine that you were an early human living in cave with your small tribe of people, you know nothing of science and why nature works the way it does. All you do know is that for some reason the sun and the moon always come up and go down, the seasons change for no reason and people are born and die for no apparent reason. The only explanation was that some superior being or beings did everything and caused  everything, so of course you want to make this being happy so it will help keep you alive. And there you go that's roughly how religion most likely got its start.

Throughout history religion has done horrible things to people and races all in the name of their beliefs. Were they really following an omnipotent being? Or were they just lead by men who thirsted for power? 
Now I'm not trying to bash religion it has done good things to people and offered one of the most invaluable resources on our planet, hope. Honestly if you look at most religions are just helping people move along with their lives and give them reasons to be nice, which would be fine except that then they start adding in complicated rules and threaten you with eternal damnation

And that's my main problem is that they think they have to threaten you in order to do the right thing, which now makes people afraid. Fear is powerful tool that can make people do anything. Religion has become very good at wielding fear to make people follow it, though this could easily be a mistake caused by the centuries of each persons different interpretation of what happens.

You hear on the news too often that someone did something horrible, it makes it worse when they claim they did for their God or Deity. It can make you wonder if their religion really is the thing to blame or if the person is just crazy. The world countless religions, each one knows that it is the correct one and has a million ways to prove (though usually they just say that god told them so) they all have similarities and differences to each other. But how could someone prove that there religion is the right one billions of people say the same thing about other religions. Some religions tell you that if you ask god will tell you that there religion is right. 

So is religion right? 
does it do more good than bad? 
Should it be revolutionized to better fit our society?
Or should we change our society to fit it?
You decide.

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